Bit of an off day, so just a quick drawing. This is the main villain of my thesis film... as a little kid. I kinda feel bad for the adult she turns into. Now I want her to have some kind of redemption in a side-story sequel or something.
Went to the LA Zoo yesterday! It was lots of fun, but left me too tired when I got home to do my usual daily drawing. There'll be an extra post later today or tomorrow to catch up.
This is a gerenuk! They have freakishly thin legs and huge ears. The LA Zoo had a pair of them in the baby animal center.
This one was actually supposed to be for yesterday... but FRUSTRATIONS~! ensued, and it was set aside so I could cool off. I've no doubt there are still issues to the anatomy, but at least it's better than before! Critiques welcome!
[Original Post]:
I had a Mother's Day drawing I was working on yesterday, and it still isn't done! So I whipped this up for today instead. I'll go in and add some tones later.
As the description of the video says, it was an experiment to try out a new workflow using Photoshop instead of ToonBoom Animate Pro. Well, after spending the better part of a day on just adding in the mum, I can say that I wish I had access to ToonBoom. There are lots of things that would be easier. Guess I'll just have to work something else out.
Been doing some more experimenting with Flash! Man, it's a challenging program to draw with, that's for sure. However, I think I might be getting the hang of it!